Monday, November 28, 2016

It never entered my mind


Numb is how you feel when you press and you bang and thump, scratch, and scratch and rub

then It's ripped it's dripping. and I realize it was a part of you all along.

It was me. then it was numb. and now that it's all fucked up it's mine again.

It's not my America, it's not my country.

But it's my morning here. It's my reality.

My new unfamiliarity.

My new fight to remain. to be less numb.

Ryan's head sinks into his other shoulder. I feel the weight of his sigh.

I've become attuned to his breathing. In these unfamiliar mornings, it's one of the few constants I have. my eyes drift to his monitor,  some illegible activity in a chat box.

I ask if now is a good time. Another sigh.

Is it too early? Was that a sigh to push things? It turns out to be a yeah maybe.

Maybe* sighs. Maybe it is.

Hello day after the Day.

Hey there new president elect Trump.

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