Sunday, December 02, 2007

Skiving on sundays isnt really skiving, it's just like checking your facebook page 3 times an hour from home but witout the benefit of being naked

Work was surprisingly cold today.

Let's do this thing! I said to myself (internally) trooping off the balcony and back into the cold cold office. Surely there can't be too many distractions at work, especially on a sunday afternoon.

I refresh facebook.

I'm trying to draw one of those speech bubbles filled with amazement (the ones with lots of pointy cerated bits that connects back to its point of origin with a lightning bolt.)

It's 7pm.

I think about getting dinner, while I wait for a file to save.

At 9pm and I'm resealing a half eaten bag of rather tasteless cornchips.

at 10 I'm caller number 10 in an automated taxi telephone que.

11pm. Time to get naked and refresh facebook!

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