Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Eternal Pursuit of Unhappiness

Noel has a theory.

There are two types of really successful people in this world, the people who see what they want and then work really really hard at getting it, and then the type who just have it in them and have to constantly eject visions out of their systems. Example: Man sees a vision in his dream, devotes his life to realizing it, comes out on top eventually.

Of course there is no guarantee that your vision will be worth anything, but there should essentially be a feeling of immense success and liberation from all other things - think doing a really massive crap that you really needed to do, that makes you feel really awesome, and then take that sensation and times 10 (?) maybe more.

Anyway, we thought about this.

'But don't you find the people who love their jobs the most are also the people who hate them the most?' I ask. 'no' he replies, 'please explain.'

Yeah, so you see.

Take this guy in our office, he loves his job. He's great at it. He's been doing it for like 20,000 years now. And he wakes up and just keeps needing to shit out this amazing crap because it's tearing him a new asshole. But, he's constantly burdened and surrounded by people who don't love the job as much. He can't understand. He's frustrated. He accepts their lack of enthusiasm. but their failure is perceived to him as being linked directly to what he does and he can get quite crabby a lot, and not in a hissy fit kind of way, but like in a totally deep-seeded underscoring kind of crabby way. Dig?

Noel Shrugs.

I haven't really convinced myself .

But essentially, the more you love something the more you criticize it, get depressed about it and well, out right hate it... right? It's the history of sexuality. It's the law. You don't stop loving it, you just start hating it more than anyone else does as well.

Then Noel does an impression of a cereal selling monkey.

Which is actually really funny.

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