Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Things I won't remember

It's a slow afternoon and I find myself yet again, sitting staring at this layout.
I hate layouts, which is why I'm focusing my efforts on deboning a rather tasteless piece of meat (chicken breast).This has become a bit of a ritual since My gym instructor spotted me in the gym no longer than 4 weeks ago and pointed out to me that though I'd been coming here for a year I hadn't really changed too much.

I'd always thought the point of gym was to offset things. not to change them.

Anyway so I've been eating ritual things and getting good about eating chicken breast.

I toss up whether or not to go white or charcoal with the background, this is a difficult decision because it's the opening page. I've tried monograms, and over saturating, and black but it all isn't likable; this is the story of a chic looking/dressed woman who discovers her husband, or as Adam phrases it her 'lost love' retunring while pressing herself up against the glass window to her exclusive Far-East-Developed Condominium, (a pose that required him -Adam- to rather rackwardly man-handle our photographer to get). Charcoal it is!

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