Monday, July 23, 2007

If you always get up late you're never gonna be on time

it's been a while since I last posted

Since then, Roy's become a dad, Wongo and June got married (not to each other), or are at least they are planning to. I met up with Liz 6 months after Just steak, and she's moving to Melbourne. We had a chat over japanese food today about moving to the various suburbs there. 'Isn't Fitzroy a bit dangerous?' she asked. I think of Dawsey. I say'maybe', but honestly. Really, 'yeah, maybe'.

Kim convinced me to join Facebook which I did. I've since gotten 132 friends, all of whom have become zombies and try to bite chunks off me consistently - I was a zombie once, but I snapped out of it. why do zombies breed zombies and why are they so cool ? I still don't understand the zombie phenomenon.

So now, Lauren freelances for a rival agency, a new installment of harry potter attracts many people to go see it. Steve's sister Ros comes down and I take her to eat 3 chilli ramen at fareast square. Die hard 4.0 launches and is the best movie ever, while the trailers to Rambo 3 and some unnamed film to be released early January next year kind of get me a little bit too excited. Mike's wife is a month from popping, and apparently she'll be a national day kid. the simpsons motion picture is finally out, and The entire season 6 of 24 has been pirated, downloaded and is now being devoured by mum and dad.

So having seen all these things happened. I decided to sit down and paint my tank.

So It's all painted now.

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